Criterion 4

4.1 Physical Facilities


Criterion 4: 4.1 Physical Facilities


4.1.2: Percentage of expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during last five years (INR in Lakhs)

Expenditure for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary during the last five years (INR in lakhs)

1. The consolidated fund allocation towards infrastructure augmentation facilities duly certified by Finance Officer / CA.


Sr. No. Particulars Weblinks
1 Consolidated fund allocation towards
infrastructure augmentation facilities
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2. Highlighting the relevant items in the audited income and expenditure statement.


Sr. No. Particulars Weblinks
1 Highlighting the relevant items in the
audited income and expenditure statement.
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Sy.No.376/7, Batasingaram (V), Abdullapur Mettu (M), R.R. District, Telangana-501512. INDIA.

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